Michael Blair's Website

The official website for Michael Blair, VT Computer Science Student

About Me
Profile Picture
I just finished up my Junior year at Virginia Tech in the department of Engineering as a computer science major with a minor in Mathematics. I've always been fond of computer science and problem-solving. Figuring out ways to solve problems through different approaches has always excited me. My favorite language to write code in, right now, is Java. I've been writing Java the longest since I started teaching myself senior year of high school. My introduction to computer science was a college-level course in high school. It was a block-coding course that taught the basics of computer science and I fell in love. It was the only course I ever took in high school where I'd get an A on a project, but keep working on the code to make it cooler and better. This course's professor was who helped me start teaching myself Java. I have since taught myself HTML5 and a little bit of CSS and JS, along with a plethora of other languages through Virginia Tech. Besides Java, most of my work here at VT is done in C. I run everything through a Linux terminal on a VM. My current interests lie in learning more about containers and bare metal, continuing my self-teaching in front-end languages (currently Javascript), and figuring out what I'd like to do with my career. Also note, that if you'd like to view my GitHub projects please email me as most of them are private because of the Honor Code here at VT.

Outside of computer science, my hobbies include basketball, football, hiking, and going to the gym. This summer, I plan on focusing on my health and hiking every week. At school, I am a part of the AI/ML club and am an active member of the Alpha Phi chapter of Beta Theta Pi on campus. Over the past few years, we have maintained the top GPA of all Greek life on campus and displayed immense philanthropic endeavors. Notable events include working with Habitat for Humanity to work on the historic TG Howard Community Center , raising over $20,000 for St. Jude's in 2021 throughout a one-week event, and raising $15,000 for our annual philanthropy with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) this year. These are some highlights, although there's much more of the same. Finally, just last semester (Spring 2022), I got selected with a couple of other students to get a story I wrote published by Virginia Tech. My project was interviewing a graduate student at Virginia Tech and writing an article about them as a person and their research. The link to this story can be found up top, or right here.

Last Updated: September 20, 2022